moving from ubuntu to centos server

my server at telecity runs ubuntu server right now but as I moved to fedora recently at home I thought I also should move to centos there. Mainly because of owncloud 8 but I also wonder how to get stuff done with systemd, selinux, etc…

so here goes:

compiled from here: ubuntu server install log
here: fedora install log
with help from:

use “custom” install in vmware, 2 GB, 2 CPUs
remove floppy and USB stuff, in the BIOS disable serial and parallel ports
Insert Centos 7 CD in virtual CDROM and boot

chose english, change keyboard to (US euro)
use LVM on the virtual disk, set up what you need

after booting, add epel
# wget
# rpm -ivh epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm

check IP config and restrict kernel installs (/etc/yum.conf installonly limit = 2)
then update (yum -y update)

ssh tweaks
rkhunter is part of epel, needs some customization