fuck A.I.
seriously.. as if we don’t have enough problems right now.. EVERY DAMN COMPANY on this planet is trying to shove some AI crap down our throats.
not even that it’s stupid, annoying and FAR from “intelligent” – it is also a massive privacy and security disaster waiting to happen. Why? Because the processing doesn’t happen on your device.. it is uploaded to the company’s headquarters to be processed.
so.. GET RID OF IT while you still can.
fuck you for enabling it without asking me, seriusly.. fuck this end-stage-capitalism.
the sun is back
after four dark weeks, today we finally had sunshine again
I wanted them all to stand still for a group photo with shadows but some dogs definitely have other priorities.
happy new wednesday
movie credits (teenager)
special thanks to..
random trashcan
mac donalds
creepy locations (for filming)
my potted plant Willem
the book I killed a moskito with
weird pillow
the sketchy dude from around the corner
Ariana’s angry neighbors
my backpack
the door of the school
the panini that is lying there for 3 weeks already
the pot without flowers
the paper I write this on.
the dot from the previous sentence
ah, to be able to glimpse into the brain of a 15 year old…
Judgemental Christmas
I have an addition to my list of shitty people that I judge immediately without even getting to know them:
People that use blinking Christmas decoration.
you know what? just fuck you
happy winter solstice
the longest night is over. from now on the days will get longer again <3
no sun
they call them “the dark days before Christmas”
7 December was the last day I’ve seen the sun, and it doesn’t look like it’s improving today.
I’m starting to get really cranky
but maybe tomorrow… A very small glimmer of Hope has been announced by the weather service. You can be sure I will not be working at this moment but spend it outside with the dogs.