cloud server scaleway

trying out the service of scaleway (3 dollar a month for ARM 4-core, 100 Meg internet and 50 GB SSD storage..)

let’s install unbuntu and owncloud on it and see how it performs!

installing a server with scaleway is easy. just add your pubkey, select the image you want, deploy and one minute later you can log in as root.

first consider/edit/delete the script that edits the hostname on boot:
this has advantages but also disadvantages.. leaving it in for now. (won’t be able to set a FQDN for now, let’s see if owncloud/apache work without it :)

first add a user and add it to sudo group
#adduser andreas

then install basic firewall and mosh
apt-get install mosh ufw < -- BONUS: Mosh is already installed :D now there is a pesky little problem that occurs with ufw and scaleway's ubuntu build.. once the basic system is live and you have a root shell do this:
Edit /etc/default/ufw, turn off IPV6 (looks like Scaleway doesn’t support ipv6 yet), and set:

Edit /etc/ufw/after.rules, add this line just before the final COMMIT line:
-A ufw-reject-input -j DROP

Turn off ufw logging (there are IPv6 loging rules that will prevent it from running), make sure SSH can get in, and start ufw:
ufw logging off
ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw enable

then allow mosh, http and https
ufw allow mosh
ufw allow http
ufw allow https

verify with ufw status

then start with basic security:
edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf
and change this
SSLProtocol all
to this
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2

install these tools:
apt-get install logwatch fail2ban rkhunter

this will set up postfix so have a relay at hand!
on scaleway’s security page disable “block smtp” so you can send mail

we will set up fail2ban and logwatch once owncloud and apache are live!

install the repository key of opensuse’s build service, update and install owncloud from there.
sudo apt-key add – < Release.key refresh and install owncloud: apt-get update apt-get install owncloud this will pull the binaries and set up the base owncloud system, satisfying most dependencies now we want a subdomain so we need a vhost with apache and a matching ssl certificate: first set up the server name and server admin, let's harden it and move to subdomain when it's ready. edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf and adjust, then reload apache2 - check for errors create self-signed SSL certs:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/apache2/ssl/owncloud.pem -keyout /etc/apache2/ssl/owncloud.key

edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf and edit:
point the server to the certs you just created and adjust server name and server admin
save, enable ssl engine and enable the site:
a2enmod ssl
a2ensite default-ssl.conf
service apache2 reload

check for errors and test by going to https://[your server]/

back to owncloud:

go to your server’s URL to finish the install:
do not click on “finish” just yet, let’s use SQL for database and change the data directory to something else:
create a data dir that apache (www-data) can write to:
root@bespin:~# mkdir /var/oc-data
root@bespin:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/oc-data/

and set up mariadb/mysql

mysql -uroot -p
CREATE USER 'owncloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON owncloud.* TO 'owncloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

and run mysql_secure_installation to remove remote root access and test db entries.

now enter this data in the owncloud window and finish install

once up create a user for yourself and enable the plugins “documents”, “contacts”, “calendar” and “mail” (roundcube plugin development is stopped apparently)

set strong directory permissions and default data storage

make sure you read the whole document (considering php and other stuff) – RUN THE SCRIPT TO GIVE APACHE ACCESS!

also remember to edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
(or if in a subdir/subdomain the corresponding entry available/configured) so AllowOverride is All (default is None)

rootuser='root' # On QNAP this is admin

find ${ocpath}/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0640
find ${ocpath}/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0750

chown -R ${rootuser}:${htgroup} ${ocpath}/
chown -R ${htuser}:${htgroup} ${ocpath}/apps/
chown -R ${htuser}:${htgroup} ${ocpath}/config/
chown -R ${htuser}:${htgroup} /var/oc-data/
chown -R ${htuser}:${htgroup} ${ocpath}/themes/

chown ${rootuser}:${htgroup} ${ocpath}/.htaccess
chown ${rootuser}:${htgroup} /var/oc-data/.htaccess

chmod 0644 ${ocpath}/.htaccess
chmod 0644 /var/oc-data/.htaccess

if you want openoffice preview/edit capability install libreoffice and set the path
#apt-get install libreoffice
in config.php add:
‘preview_libreoffice_path’ => ‘/usr/bin/soffice’,
under admin > admin enable “local” office > save

take care of discovery for DAV and iOS
asuming owncloud lives in /owncloud just add this to .htaccess
Redirect 301 /.well-known/carddav /owncloud/remote.php/carddav
Redirect 301 /.well-known/caldav /owncloud/remote.php/caldav

also: we want to have a redirect from the vhost “” to “” AND use HTTPS while we are it :)
(this assumes the https server already points to /owncloud as root, otherwise another rewrite rule is needed)

just add this to apache config:

Redirect permanent /

add another vhost if you want or enable for all subdomains

for the HTTPS server, why not enable Strict-Transport-Security? also include the subdirectories!

enable mod_headers:
#a2enmod headers

edit vhost settings and add this:


Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"

edit /etc/apache2/mods_availabe/ssl.conf
disable all insecure/old handshakes:
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1

and force faster algorithms / disable old/insecure ones
SSLHonorCipherOrder on

save, then check and reload apache:
# sudo apache2ctl configtest && sudo service apache2 restart

now lets continue working on securing and monitoring the server:

# apt-get install unattended-upgrades
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure –priority=low unattended-upgrades

apt-get install xinetd check-mk-agent check-mk-agent-logwatch mailutils
configure xinetd and open firewall for port 6556
change disable = yes to “no” and set up the “only from” IP ranges
open firewall:
ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 6556
restart xinetd using service xinetd restart

now set up logwatch / fail2ban / rkhunter


also let’s use letsencrypt! this is how to get our certs:

git clone
cd letsencrypt
(will install several modules, find your domain(s) and install certificates)

to do: memcache / transactional file locking


A+ rating on Qualys :)

set up the xmpp server: prosody

apt-get install prosody
configure as per example / global settings and add an admin user there

create some keys:

openssl req -new -x509 -days 1000 -nodes -out “/etc/ssl/certs/xxxxxxxx.crt” -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout “/etc/ssl/private/xxxxxxxx.key”

UPDATE: Use Letsencrypt, this flag should do the trick
./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone -d

Copy the certificate from /etc/letsencrypt/live//fullchain.pem to /etc/prosody/.crt
Copy the private key from /etc/letsencrypt/live/
/privkey.pem to /etc/prosody/.key

under your server in your domain’s .cfg.lua add the certs
ssl = {
key = “/etc/prosody/xmpp.key”;
certificate = “/etc/prosody/xmpp.crt”;

or create symlinks

secure the keys
sudo chmod 600 /path/to/certificate.key
sudo chown prosody:prosody /path/to/certificate.key

Prosody should also be able to read the parent directories of the file.

To test that only Prosody can read the file:

sudo -u prosody cat /path/to/certificate.key # Should succeed
sudo -u nobody cat /path/to/certificate.key # Should fail

Declaring host

The configuration of the host will be done in the file « /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ », the file may serve as a model:

cp -a /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ /etc/prosody/conf.avail/

With your favorite editor change the settings for VirtualHost and enabled so you have:

VirtualHost “”
–enabled = false — Remove this line to enable this host

The line “- enabled = […]” can also be removed, instead of of removing the comment like above.

Also represent the key and the SSL certificate:

ssl = {
key = “/etc/prosody/certs/”;
certificate = “/etc/prosody/certs/”;

If you already have a key / certificate pair on the same domain name (Common Name), for example for apache, point to it instead of the files listed above.

Now create the symbolic link in« /etc/prosody/conf.d/ » with:

ln -sf /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ /etc/prosody/conf.d/

Several host by one configuration

Here is an example to declare a single configuration for multiple hosts (thank you MattJ):

for _, host in ipairs { “”, “” } do
VirtualHost (host)
option1 = “foo”
option2 = “bar”

Create users (single)

Creating user accounts is done with the command « prosodyctl »

prosodyctl adduser

open firewall for ports 5222 and 5269 IP and IPv6

create DNS SRV records for optimal federation / domain delegation
use this template: 18000 IN SRV 0 5 5222 18000 IN SRV 0 5 5269 18000 IN SRV 0 5 5222 < -- that still relevant? also.. no dots after TLD? doubt this will work... in fact: the domain is automatically added so just add this: _xmpp-client._tcp type SRV with value 0 5 5222 and _xmpp-server._tcp type SRV with value 0 5 5222 it must point to an existing A-record - not an IP address (this also helps with IPv6 I guess...) ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN SRV ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3600 IN SRV 0 5 5222 ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 3600 IN A

restart and test


as long as you can call it from the apache config file (and/or the owncloud virtual host config)

RewriteEngine on
ReWriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [NC,R,L]

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/owncloud.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/owncloud.key

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

enforce redirect to SSL (disable plain HTTP) and enforce transport header security
see owncloud hardening document

TO DO: memcache and db locking >
apt-get install php5-apcu
FAIL: edit config.php and add the config (didn’t work for me.. )

Quasselcore: building it myself:

on the old host stop the daemon:
#service quasselcore stop

then copy over old quassel:
(assuming a single user sqlite install without a particulary important certificate…) meaning one config file and one log file:
(do not copy the cert… let’s create a new one)

and /var/lib/quassel/quassel-storage.sqlite

create a user called “quasselcore” with group “quassel” and its homedir in /var/lib/quassel

move these to /var/lib/quassel and change the permissions of the dir and the files to quasselcore:quassel (chown)

create /etc/defaults/quasselcore

# Defaults for quasselcore initscript
# sourced by /etc/init.d/quasselcore

# Loglevel Debug|Info|Warning|Error. Default is: Info

# The port quasselcore will listen at. Default is: 4242

and the upstart script: /etc/init/quasselcore.conf
# quasselcore - distributed IRC client using a central core component
# This is the core component of Quassel. A modern,
# cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one
# (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from this
# central core. It's much like the popular combination
# of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat.

description "distributed IRC client using a central core component"
author "Michael Marley "

start on (filesystem and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
stop on runlevel [!2345]

setuid quasselcore
setgid quassel

chdir /var/lib/quassel
env HOME=/var/lib/quassel

respawn limit 10 0


test -f /etc/default/quasselcore && . /etc/default/quasselcore

exec quasselcore --configdir=$DATADIR --logfile=$LOGFILE --loglevel=$LOGLEVEL --port=$PORT
end script
post-stop exec sleep 5

create a cert (as user “quasselcore”)

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /var/lib/quassel/quasselCert.pem -out /var/lib/quassel/quasselCert.pem

check if the config checks out:
root@bespin:~# init-checkconf /etc/init/quasselcore.conf
File /etc/init/quasselcore.conf: syntax ok

start the server
#service quasselcore start

open firewall:
#ufw allow 4242/tcp

and it should work :)