father’s day

Today is ascension day.. also called “father’s day”

The day on which I had my only real motorcycle accident back in 1996.
When I look at the scar that this one left I remember it very well. My father sure was proud of me. :P

Actually, I wanted to fetch the motorcycle from Maastricht today.. somehow I am happy it is raining, this day is not for riding a motorcycle ;)
On the other hand, one should face one’s fears.. or is it?

Anna has a long weekend off, I will study genetics today, the only subject that really is intersting. Kinda funny that I grab a textbook without protest and begin reading without being forced to. :)

On Friday I will leave for Amsterdam again. The city that became my new home..
Strange, when I think that I love nature and small villages so much.. that the big city and its chaotic ever-hasting pace attracts me so much.
Well, actually I only spend the weekens there.. probably I will be annoyed by it once I live there 24/7 :)

march of the monkeys

This sunday we spent walking a charity walk for “Stichting aap” – an organisation that takes care of confiscated and homeless monkeys. They organized the “aapenloop” to raise some money for the organisation.

Doing the 20km untrained we did quite well: 4,5hours not including the breaks that we had to do due to heavy rainfall.

Next year we will do the 30km for sure :)

Afterwards we had a look at the monkeys and – to my surprise – I have to admit they are quite lovable.

I say surprise, because I always wanted to do voluntary work at stichting pantera, the same but with tigers and other big cats. Why help monkeys if you work with humans all day? ;)

unfortunately it’s almost 200km away from Amsterdam, not to speak of the distance from Aachen :(
The monkeys are just 50km away and Anna wants me to volunteer.. tough one.

there is a god! ;)

well, not the best way of showing it to the world but I am convinced now – noone else would push me so deep into temptation.

Apple now sells black iBooks.. pardon, MacBooks.

Since this sexy piece of hardware came to existence years ago, I wanted it in black. Now I have to get one. Badly! ;)
Actually, I have to get two of them, because it would be unfair not to get a white one for Anna, aswell.

Pictures from Engadget

So.. whom can I steal them from?
My criminal potential just rose to a dangerous level.. ;)

motivate me, anyone…

I am soooo bored of writing protocols all day. Luckily I had my chemistry-exercises early in the semester and they won’t bother me when I have to learn for the exams…
poor bastards that fell into this category.

Well, one more time and i’m gonna be through!

Barbara promised me to help me learning to understand physics and calculate the exercises. I am so thankful for that. What else? Business as usual.. they keep me busy ;)

thursday, 23:00…

>> what are you doing?
>> *curious*
< < I'm surfing the web randomly :p >> looking for answers or looking for questions?
<< Looking for porn :p

morning swim

Today for the first time in 2006 we went to the open air bath to swim.

With the time I even developed some stamina and am able to swim for 1,5h without too much stops. Hopefully I will be able to do the 100 lanes, soon.

But the best with swimming in the morning and showering cold is: One feels indestructible afterwards! :D

happy birthday to me!

it’s my birthday! :D

so you are all invited to be happy with me!!!
Anna takes me to the beach today where we will do nothing but relax and have a good time.
Te weather-god also is with us:

weather foreccast

not bad for begin may, isn’t it? :)