pregnancy dementia?

Yesterday I took another day off to go with Anna to her scheduled pregnancy examination. It’s really nice to hear its heart (correction: HIS heart.. we have evidence) beating and see him move around. As the doctor says all is good.
Anna is feeling well, too, apart from some deficiencies in short-term-memory ;) She has begun writing post-it notes to herself, just like in “Memento“. :D
We have dubbed this symptom “pregnancy dementia” with a wink but the doctor confirmed this and also scared Anna by telling her that many women report that they never got as “sharp” again in their jobs after the pregnancy… there goes my dream of Anna managing the family and me staying in the background.. ;)

In American books they call this issue “the pregnant brain” ;)


I just stood in front of a nintendo Wii in a toy store in Amsterdam and asked the guy in the store if I could also play with it, having heard about the new controller that they invented…
You basically swing your controller around when you want to perform actions in the game like strike with a sword or swing a tennis racket. Sounds cool enough to me :-)
Some american lawyers have done their homework and Nintendo now has to clarify who is responsible if you injure someone or destroy something while playing.
So there won’t be any playable demo-Wiis in Amsterdam. Unbelievable.

Either this is some amazing marketing gag or else some lawyers in the states just have waaay too much time ;-)

Ohwell: Looks like they are right: See Wiidamage and wii have a problem ;)
It’s not the lawyers, humans are just stupid by default.

NFS shares

Kruidnoten are a terrible dutch invention.. they are mean!!!
and someone had the terrible idea of wrapping them in chocolate.. the bastard wants me to get fat! ;)

Always remember:
Ubuntu NFS shares cannot be mounted on Mac OS X without the parameters -o and -P

And don’t eat too many kruidnoten ;)

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