ubuntu 14.10 testing

gnome3 – why not? :)
installing ubuntu gnome and broke it in less than 24 hours.
I really need to find a way to transfer home and all config data without breakage – or better: what not to transfer…

– do not install encrypted home – let’s do that later
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wget… just as user-friendly as tar ;)

wget -r -N –no-parent http://server.tld/directory/ –level 1 –accept “*.mp3” -nd -e robots=off -U “custom user-agent” -b

downloads all files in the remote directory without creating a hierarchy, without traversing links and only getting mp3 files – rewriting the timestamp, ignoring robots.txt and listing itself as my custom user-agent – runs in the background and logs all activity to a file in the directory

raspberry as status screen / wall calendar / mpd player

I need fridges all over the house. Why? Because fridge-magnets are the secret to getting things done. However, in the morning I often don’t go to the fridge. Also it isn’t magnetic
So I want a whiteboard/magnet thingie at the door so I see it before I exit the house.
Now this does not match my philosophy of “we need modern things” so let’s build it using a raspberry and hang it to the wall.
Obviously, it should look nice, too so lets not have error messages, mouse-cursors or other stuff that distracts from what is important!
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summer ending

today is the last beautiful day in this summer, they say – the weather man calling it the last day where we will have sun and 20+ degrees celsius
From tomorrow on it will be truly autumn and more rain is going to come
How nice of my depression to chose this day to creep back on me – because I have the feeling that I _have to_ go out today and enjoy this day I am developing all kind of aversions against going out.
Oh, how I hate this..