Android round two

I got myself a onePlus one Android Phablet and while totally in love I must say I will go back to iPhone because:
– Ads. Seriously.. I HATE ads. I will pay you to make ads disappear
– CalDAV/CardDAV support by Apple since iOS 7
– integration of owncloud now, too
– bugs, irregularities, crashes.
– lack of integration of apps into the system

so the only thing left is the tinkering – which is lovely. Cyanogenmod is wonderful!

but I want to get things done and not be busy all day adjusting and tweaking and it’s been three weeks now and I am still not at a level where I can say “this is good”

raspberry pi ftp server (vsftpd)

assuming raspbian
– apt-get install vsftpd
By default vsftpd is configured for anonymous access with read-only permissions. We’re going to change things so that it requires you to authenticate with a local user. Let’s open the configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

We want to change or uncomment the following values.


After that restart the vsftpd service. Now we need to create a couple folders in your local user’s home folder. The ftp folder will be the root when you connect. The way vsftpd works, the root is not allowed to have write permissions on it, so we’ll create a sub-folder inside the root called files which our local user will be allowed to write to. This is where you’d upload/download files from with an FTP client.

mkdir /home/andreas/ftp
mkdir /home/andreas/ftp/files
chmod a-w /home/andreas/ftp

Now you should be able to connect to your from any FTP client and start uploading/downloading files.