antivaxx chad

My favorite take on the covid crisis: People who don’t trust the pfizer vaccine but take viagra every weekend so they can get it up while on happy pills or other substances

Monday morning – pandemic

November 2021 – the pandemic in its second year – they say society will restart but despite an 80% vaccination rate (one of the highest in the world) we are still wearing masks in public transport and public buildings.

I am depressed, irritated and angry at all this and I wonder how much longer I can bear it before I break. It feels so pointless 😕

Activists are complaining about their freedoms being stripped away (and they have a point!) while the far right uses the insecurities of the people to radicalize them even more. And zwarte piet hasn’t even started.

I am scared of what will happen if this continues. I hope the right people keep calm.

Black Mesa

Black Mesa – After so many years since Half Life was a thing.
It still manages to surprise me / send a shiver down my spine / make me.. happy! So beautiful and now in glorious 4k ultrawide <3

Jeff Bridges

After watching Tron:Legacy – As much as I like him as Flynn, he really left his mark as the Great Lebowski.

You’re messing with my Zen thing, man

Kevin Flynn