work in progress

We went to buy orange paint and white paint and have begun re-designing the guestroom which will be the baby-room soon. It feels a little strange to me that there is going to sleep a new human being but as Anna’s belly is growing and growing the idea is getting more and more real in my head aswell. Thanks god :P I thought I’d never get it right in my head ;)

Cisco’s website was down over the weekend and if it was up, KPN’s DSL was down, so I did not do any training over the weekend which (according to Anna) boosted my household- productivity by 100 % ;)
I have to admit, learning to become network engineer is addictive but it consumes a lot of time. I might have to slow down the learning a little.. but after the child is born, not before :)

Oh, the weekend: I realized (Anna too) that it’s an incredible relaxation if you take free the friday and enjoy the prolonged weekend, I might do that more often, even sacrificing my annual vacation for it, it’s such a relaxing sensation if you have the whole friday to relax, the saturday to be productive and the sunday to relax again. It feels like my batteries are supercharged. Pity that I only have about 25 days of vacation per year, so I can’t take free every friday :P

a virtual embassy..

According to Radio Sweden , The Ministry of foreign affairs of Sweden will open an official embasy within “Second Life” – the massive online roleplaying game that currently everybody is talking about.

Apparently they will not be issuing passports but be an official representation of Sweden and assist people on how to get things done in “real life” ™

Now, if you think about Second Life and the fact that they have virtual money (linden dollars – which can be purchased for real money) and use it to pay inside the game for virtual services which you could sell on ebay again for real money, I wonder if they will allow paying the virtual transactions for virtual embassy servives (like the issuing of a visa) with virtual money.. but give you the real passport then. ;)

That somehow reminds me of the fifth volume of the hitch-hiker’s guide to the galaxy, where they discussed being virtually shot in a virtual environment with a virtual gun – which would still make you a really dead person in real life. :P

deep links illegal?

after the Australians now the Texans:

Deep linking (placing a direct link on a website to a page on another website, not to its main page – for example to ) is – according to them – illegal.

Do these lawyers actually know how the internet works? Hyperlinks? Hello?

Some people are just born stupid and never learn, I fear…

the world conspiracy

there have been conspiracies all around.. but soneone has made a drawing to explain all conspiracy theories that exist..
you may call it the “mother of all conspiracies” :P

have a look
(or print it on A4 and enlighten your colleagues)


Posted in fun

finally winter

today was the first morning that it felt like winter. it was frozen over and all was white :)

much better like this!

On the downside, I managed to successfully delete a whole year of email beyond any backup.
How? Well.. Thunderbird (I tried to use as much open source as I could) has a neat feature, “download mail locally to enable offline reading” – well, that sounds nice, let’s enable it.
And it does exactly that. Well… actually, after one month, one doesn’t need the offline copy anymore, so there was another function, called “delete old messages after XXX time to save disk space”.
Sounded even more reasonable to me.
Now, the stupid avian honestly synced this also backwards, meaning, after having used the offline copy for 30 days, it deleted the copy, AND THE ORIGINAL!
I am so pissed.. all my mail that is older than 2 months (we managed to get November and December from a backup) and younger than 2005 is lost.

I am back with Mac Mail now, which sucks. But I don’t trust this Thunderbird anymore…

storm.. and sport – and bread :)

At the moment I am sitting at my desk at VerizonBusiness and the country is preparing for the impact of the storm that is expected for this afternoon.
Somehow it’s distressing that we used to have snow in winter and all we get now are heavy storms. The Dutch are pretty relaxed about this, however. They tie their bikes onto something and just watch on TV how the damage spreads. Ohwell :P

I realized something else yesterday. After my vacation-related break from training I went to sports again on monday and had a major muscle fatigue then. But my mood was fantastic, in fact I was smiling the whole day and was pretty relaxed. But I had to sleep at 22 hours because I was dead tired.
So: If I don’t do sports, I am mentally fit and awake but depressed and moody.
If I do sports, I am tired but relaxed and happy. (just a muscle fatigue)
Conclusion: Sport is a drug! Stay away from it ;)

Later that day I read about sourdough again and tried to bake a white ciabatta-style bread with the culture that I grow out of flour, yoghurt and Amsterdam Air :P
It’s delicious!!!!! I can only recommend getting a sourdough culture and baking with this, it’s sooo tasty. :)
My father sent me a link to a big german sourdough forum,
They also have rye-cultures to share (as I only have a wheat culture which is relatively mild…)

powered by IKEA, driven by love, addicted to good food

People that visit us have commented that a lot of our furniture is from IKEA.. well, I would say there is little that is not from IKEA ;)
But if you compare their prices to “professional” manufacturers of furniture you quickly revert back to the swedish brand that also sells this tasty chocolate ;)

After 5 years of living together we finally have a bed now. I mean, a bedframe. We used to sleep on the ground for such a long time (just the mattress on some wooden construction) that now after my first night in a “real” bed I feel like I am in a hotel room :P
I spent the bigger part of saturday assembling a bed and two commodes and curing my nasty hangover that resulted from friday night at the irish pub with my colleagues. (Note to self: don’t mix Guinness and Heineken.)

Later, when we lay in bed together, I saw the small one doing his exercises in her belly for the first time.. watching her belly bulge and shift as he moves along underneath. He seems to be a very active person :)
Anna is in sixth month now and you really see a big ball attached to her.. although my colleagues commented on it as being “quite small” – remembering other women that got incredibly … incredibly.. (what’s a good substitute for “huge” that doesn’t insult pregnant women?) ;)

Actually it was necessary to get a bedframe as Anna had problems standing up in the morning. She has to carry 7 kilos extra around (getting more every day) and is starting to be impacted by gravity a lot.

Slowly, I am getting used to the idea that 50% of my genes have been recombined with hers and are growing into a little human being inside her belly. Slowly but steady I am getting the grasp of it and prepare for what is going to happen in April.

Now it’s Sunday and I decided to make a bread (as Dutch bread still sucks and I don’t expect it to get any better soon) and wondered, why in Germany the bread is so much more tasty.
After long and exhaustive reading I found out that it can be condensed to these things:

1) German bakers use rye-wheat mixtures to get a bread that is both tasty and satisfying. (the wheat provides the “glue” and the rye gets it tasty). Cheap flour tastes cheap :P
2) The “sour” and “tasty” aspect comes from the “sour dough” that bakers use. I remember our baker in my village having a culture that was passed down from his grandfather, they still use it)
One can basically just breed a new culture or use a portion of someone else’s culture and “feed” it. Just like “hermann” in the eighties – remember him? ;)
OK, Hermann was a yeast and sour dough is made from bacteria but who cares.. I quit biotechnology for a reason! :D
3) when putting the bread in the oven, splash some boiling water on the bottom of the oven and do that every three minutes for the first 10 minutes. This will create an incredibly tasty crust. (I even brush the bread with salty water before putting it in. Makes the crust more tasty) :)

Now, after melting butter and honey on self-made bread I have ordered biological rye and wheat flour from a mill and I am thinking how to get myself a sour-dough culture.

First possibility would be to snatch some from our baker in my village. Stupid that he is ~900 km away.
Second, I could just start my own culture by putting rye and water on the heater and wait for it to grow.. but the idea that it will depend on the amount of spores in the air where I grow it is disgusting, especially if you think about the air pollution in Amsterdam North.
Third is to get dried cultures of an American sour-dough culture that is called “1847 Oregon Trail sourdough starter” and according to the website it has been passed down in original form since then.
Apparently, I just have to send an envelope to the address mentioned on and they will send me some dried cultures.

No more tasteless bread :P

a good book

A good book makes you miss your exit in the bus.. realizing only by chance that you are 5 stations further than you wanted on your way home. :)

I’m still hooked up on Salvatore’s books while riding the bus to work and back.. there is no better way to spend the trip than dipped into a fantasy world.

And I really enjoy the palm that I use to read all this. it’s such a nice device, I just wish it was a bit bigger and had a more crisp display, I’d read all day long :P

eBook? what’s an eBook?

(my birthday is 6 of may – *hint* *hint*)