to dutch or not to dutch…

I’ve gotten myself 2 new jobs while I was busy with chemistry in Aachen. I will be working at the University’s helpdesk and I will do the customer service for UniDSL, a freelance DSL project for students. Both are jobs to dream of, free distribution of time, shifts, workload, just perfect and they even harmonize with each other.

Problem: I have to cancel my work at Mercedes, where I spent the last 3 years working and hating the job. Now that it finally happened and I can get myself a better job (where I actually CAN help people and don’t have to use phrases someone else wrote) I am afraid. Afraid of what? Since 6 months I stress Anna that I want another job. Since one year I am bored by working for the arrogant Mercedes-customers.. and yet, it feels like I am betraying them, Am I already that deep inside? Am I that attached to them? Or am I just getting old and afraid of the changes?
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