a whole new world

With everybody talking about Ajax and the “new internet” I feel kinda silly these days.
It feels as if a group of openSource developers and some Microsoft officials (plus some sponsors, of course) had accidentially agreed on something common and all of a sudden hell broke loose.

This is not “hyping” or “bloating” anymore, this is induced mass hysteria!
It will be better, nicer, prettier, easier, fuller, more colorful, more useful, more.. more more more… *bangs his head against the wall in happiness* – Reminds me of early Microsoft advertisement campains – Steve Ballmer shouting “WINDOWS! WINDOWS! WINDOWS!” like a madman.

I just hope it will happen fast and that the “old and non-pretty internet” that will remain will become the silent and intelligent place again that I got to know 12 years ago when I got my first modem :D