
today I had some kind of an argument with Anna, about the disclosure of our address in Amsterdam. It was mainly about me not trying to undisclose personal details on the internet, like when sending mails to ebay-people that contain a link to your website where pictures of family and cat are to be found and also the postal address and phone number and so on…

According to her one has to protect oneself e.g. from the occasional psycho that might be disagreeing with me on my last email and decide to stalk on me (or poison the cat)

According to me, one has to undisclose as much information as possible to the world in order to show that there is nothing to hide. That gives no vulnerability.

I spent a lot of time thinking what it is that makes us require privacy in our lives and why we demand privacy… Is it really neccessary to be anonymously hidden in a big city?
Is my world really too idealistic to be true? Can’t we all just live together without suspecting the weirdest things when looking at each other? Well, always set the case that you get a chance at all to look at the other person, usually there are just too many to look at individuals, or they threathen you if you make eye contact by looking at them.

I guess I am just spoiled from the people from my village, where everyone knows everyone.. yeah, that sounds awful but it’s a good feeling that you can leave your door or window open at night and if you forget the keys inside your car once (or the mobile) it will NOT be stolen 1 hour later..

well, 20 points minus on my “perfect world” scale.. reality sucks :P