gvb on strike and firefox 2.0

today I work late shift.. but I can’t sleep long anyway.
Good opportunity to make some sandwiches for Anna and then get a coffee and do all the nice little time-wasting things that I like to do but hardly find the time for. Like blogging, chatting, hugging the cat (which always tries to get on the keyboard for whatever reason…) ;)

Looking out of the window I get the typical dutch grey mish-mash that I am now more or less used to but additionally to it I see a monster traffic jam growing. The public transport will go on strike 9 a.m. today.
Kinda strange to go on strike from 9 o’clock on but I guess they have their reasons. I will go with my bike and laugh at all the cars with only one person in them that will be clogged on the roads.
Still a mystery why the Dutch seem to be unable to share a ride.. in the campaign for the elections one party even promises two-store highways and extra lanes to get rid of the morning jams.. kinda ridiculous.
I guess it’s the way the dutch go after the Americans (or the Americans, who are just like the dutch.. but that’s history. It’s called New York and not New Amsterdam).

Another thing I noticed is the fact that Firefox 2.0 is out since 24 October and I just noticed it today (to my shame, through an advertisement banner on a torrent website…because AdBlockPlus wasn’t updated… bad, bad, bad…)
I guess I’m getting old. ;)