multi-touch interfaces…

I just learned about the “reactable” – a whole new kind of musical instrument…

They call it a “multi-user electro-acoustic music instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface” – have a look.
See the videos :)

It still sounds more or less a little less than terrible but somehow I can see what they have in mind :P People like Cheetah should get their hands on something like that…

Then, I remembered the multi-touch interface videos that went around last year.. look on youTube for it or here Amazing, isn’t it? Remember your classroom’s whiteboard replaced with that. :D

Hmm.. but also this I have seen recently. In the presentation of Apple’s iPhone. Seen the zooming functions? Using two fingers? ;)
iphone scroll
I wonder if they only bought the patent or bought the whole university and the developers :D

Update: Apparently they live on a friendship basis: I just found this article by Jeff Han, he is apparently the “father” of multi-touch interfaces.