Never the same, never boring

Just like the current weather is my current situation.
From bright sunshine that warms your heart it goes to heavy storm with hail, then some snow and/or rain, back to wind and vertical rain and then a warm day but no sunshine..
In a way, it’s exactly what I wanted, never to experience the same day twice.
But somehow I realized that I was not “up to it” anymore.. was I getting old? Or was it just too much, all the emotions of the last days/weeks?
When finally we decided to take a break from it all, leaving laptop, cell phone and telephone off and just having a good time, going to a different city, sleeping in a different bed, eating different stuff and seeing different things we realized that our last vacation was years ago.. we just spent two days away from home and we feel like we’ve been away for a week!
It’s amazing how easy the human mind gets used to the same environment and how fast it adapts. I am living fulltime here in Amsterdam since a little more than 6 months (I have just been offered a prolongation of my 6 months contract! yay! :) ) and already I started to feel bored. Good that we did this trip, sometimes one just needs to be reminded to take a break from it all, step aside and take a deep breath.
Returning after less than 2 days felt like we had been away for a week!
I feel so much recharged now and I am happy to return to work (no kidding!) today.
Anna will deliver probably in about 2-3 weeks and I am so nervous already, I wonder if I am not more nervous than her ;)