making people happy

If you carry a newborn (or very young) baby around the city in a sling instead of a stroller, so that he can see the world, this has another effect: The people can see him how he tries to see/understand them. :)

During a walk through the city I was seeing so many people smile at him that I almost felt uncomfortable and started looking elsewhere in the end. Too much attention, didn’t think that I might feel like this one day. (on the other hand, it was Vincent, that was given attention, I merely carried him) :P

It is getting more and more rewarding being with this small guy, the speed in which he develops is amazing, every day something new or something that grew or changed shape or some habit or action.. I could watch him all day long.

He recently started “communicating” with us, meaning he listens to us talking and fixates us concentrated while giving feedback to the emotions that we put in the language. That smile cannot be described with words. :)

The downside (as usual) is that I seem not to have any power left for anything. He is just “draining” us (especially Anna) sometimes. A whole day of being unhappy and squirming and complaining or a day where he only eats, everything else can be cancelled on such a day… not that I regret anything but I really miss my private moments sometimes ;)

4 of June I will attempt the “cisco sales expert” exam for my employer, the first step towards a carreer in network management and engineering. It is the first exam that I attempt since my days when I tried to study and I hope that I will not fall back into old “patterns” now – like cleaning windows and waxing the laminat floor instead of learning :)

fathers day (my first!)

Today is fathers day – my first one :)

Sander was here last tuesday and made some photos, that guy is just good!
Instead of expressing my bad feelings that I don’t write much of lately (blame the small guy!) I will just put the pictures that he took online.


Thanks for this, Sander.. next baby we will hire you for the “gebortekaartjes”!

P.S.: Can anyone tell me why he frowns so much? ;)

1 Month old

Yesterday was Vincents “first Month on this world” anniversary :)
And he is really lucky: today is the first day that is not sunny and summer-like since he was born!

And only one month has passed but he looks much more like a boy now.
He follows you with his eyes actively for short moments and begins to make some noises other than cries.

Speaking of them, I seem to have a talent to ignore any distortion once I decided that
I want to sleep. Anna wakes up 2-3 times every night, sometimes for hours.
I just sleep through :P
Probably some ancient mechanism to get me some sleep and go hunting again the next day ;)

Anna is still trying to get a rhythm into her life with Vincent (which slowly begins to gain some structure apart from eating and sleeping)
Nevertheless we enjoy the small guy a lot and are extremely happy that he is here.

Today is 5 May, the day the Netherlands were liberated from the Germans 62 years ago and it is a wonderful day for me to prepare for my birthday tomorrow – it really gets me “in the mood” (did I mention I dislike birthdays? especially the 30th :P

Don Vincent Corleone pooh sleeping