back in town

If you look at the “classic” Dutch art you will notice that they focus a lot on the sky.. sometimes it is being given more attention than the rest of the picture.

hok windmillrembrandt

compare that to “nowadays”

001.jpg 002.jpg 003.jpg

It seems that the people here have always been obsessed with a) the powers of nature and b) the amazing play of light and shadow in the clouds. (sure thing, if the country is that flat you get the feeling that the sky is falling on your head)

But now that I came back from vacation I had to witness the hard way how painfully true this is.. the aircraft passed through 3 layers of clouds before landing at Schiphol airport. the last of them so low I actually feared that we’d never get out of it.

I landed on monday, about 0900 CEST and since then it is basically raining.. occasionally interrupted by a hard wind or an occasional glimpse of sun.

But on the other hand it really felt like “coming home” – as crazy as it is but I feel at home in this wet, grey and unpleasant piece of land that has been snatched from the sea hundreds of years ago. :)

Guess I will have to live with wearing rubber boots and raintight clothing :P

endlich Urlaub

Sooo.. nachdem ich jetzt Vater geworden bin, einen tollen Job in Amsterdam gefunden habe und letzten Montag noch “Cisco Certified” geworden bin denke ich, dass es höchste Zeit für Urlaub ist.
Ich in daher bis zum 25. Juni im schönen Bulgarien und habe mir vorgenommen, das Internet in diesen 14 Tagen nicht zu benutzen, quasi als “Therapie” (auch wenn’s wehtut)

Malsehen wie ich das hinkriege ;)

CSE certificate

I just realize that I wrote in German so I’ll make it short:

– am Cisco Certified since 4 June 2007
– will be on vacation till 25 June
– no internet access till then (as a “therapy”)

Siepke is with Onno and Marie for the time.. I hope he’ll let them live :)

caught in the act…

men at work ;)

men at work

Tomorrow is my first exam since I quit university.
If all goes well I will be Cisco Sales Expert tomorrow, the qualification that my boss wants from me if I want to start pursuing a Cisco certification and become a network engineer/designer/whatever.

I am stressed, I admit but I like it, nobody forced me to say when I want to make the exam, nobody told me how much and how fast to study, I had it all in my hands.
I like the principle.

Vincent makes it difficult to focus on studying by being demanding and noisy but today I leave it all to Anna.