bored of barbecue? can’t see beef anymore?

If you are feeling bored of always having to eat these amounts of meat when all your friends are doing barbecue.. why not have a look in the vegan/vegetarian kitchen for some variation?
(Besides.. if I eat meat more than twice a week I don’t feel well…)

On a swiss vegetarian page I found a great marinade among other tips for vegetarian barbecue:

For two persons blend the following together:

3 tablespoons dry red wine (or balsamico)
6 tablespoons olive oil (any high quality oil will do)
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon of mustard (strong (french) type)
1 tablespoon parsley, chopped fine

1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon rosemary
1 teaspoon thyme

2 cloves of garlic, smashed

white pepper, ground freshly
salt (?)

then take eggplant, zucchini, peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc…
chop them in mouth-sized pieces and line them up on shashlik/kebap sticks.

spread the marinade over the sticks (is it really a “spit”?) and let it do its magic for a couple of hours, then wait till the meat-lovers have had their first fix (the marinade is not happy with too hot a barbecue) and gently grill the sticks.

many other variations on marinades I found on the German “chefkoch” forum.

They also suggest that you could try to put chicken on the grill once.
Marinade is easy for chicken: Olive oil, salt, pepper, then add whatever you feel like eating. Here some suggestions:

– mediterranean
Rosemary, thyme, laurel, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil

– hot
chillies, cumin, ground pepper, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil

– with herbes de provence
– asian with lemongrass, soy sauce, ginger, honey
– try with tarragon once.. yum!
– oriental with saffron and cumin
– and, and, and…

time flies

time flies like an arrow
fruit flies like a banana

whoever said that (Marx Brothers?) is having an approach towards the world / life that I just admire :)

It is two weeks now that I use a bike (2 x 8km to work and back) and I don’t sweat anymore when I arive – but am relaxed and awake. This is so much better than coffee.
Also going back is fine, as it takes all emotions away that I gathered during the day.

At work I have been positively charged, too. My employer finally decided to give me some training again which motivated me a great deal. I immediately thought about further ways to involve myself and I picked up the “basic IP training” project again that I had been working on to help the poor new hires understand a little better about IT (and help these confused faces understand the customers.)

Concerning training I fond out that there are a handful of industrial certifications.. of which I can chose whenever I feel bored (but I don’t think that will happen – I have finally been signed up for the CCNA curriculum by my boss. yay!)

Wired is looking for the greatest Gadget of all times, joiin the competition here: