raspberry installation

so I got this raspberry with free transit and hosting so I thought I’d turn it into a chat server, VPN/proxy server and a remote nagios probe

after setting up hostnames and hosts file and manipulating my DNS settings

A-record, AAAA-record set up
/etc/hostname replaced with FQDN (matching DNS)
/etc/hosts amended with:
ip.ad.dr.ess fully.qualified.domain.name fully
[IPv6 address] fully.qualified.domain.name fully
reboot and test ssh to it, etc..

apt-get install nagios-nrpe-server irssi irssi-scripts


set up irssi with screen:
very nice website: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi
split-screen notify is nice
the hilight script makes it even better:

To do this, first load the script. The script I use is a modified version of cras’s hilightwin.pl that logs timestamps as well. It is available here: http://static.quadpoint.org/irssi/hilightwin.pl

Put the script in ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ and type /run autorun/hilightwin.pl in irssi.

Next, create the split window. This is done with the /window command. See /help window for details on how this works.

/window new split
/window name hilight
/window size 6

another nice idea: auto-away inside screen:

/set screen_away_active ON
/set screen_away_message
/set screen_away_nick <-- optional.. Annoys people Download: scripts.irssi.org/scripts/screen_away.pl Install mosh http://mosh.mit.edu/#getting