Birthdays and White Coats

Today is Anna’s birthday :)

ICQ balloon

Happy Birthday, my Love!!! I wish you were here…

The fact that we are separated on this day reminds me of the old days when our relationship was young and somehow focused on the appearance of a small green flower on the other side’s ICQ client. We fell in love with each other without having seen ourselves once. ;)

Well, you have just begun a new job in Amsterdam and I am involved with my compulsory chemical exercises so it can’t be helped but to celebrate this day on another occasion.
On the other hand, I bought a small chocolate-cake from our favourite bakery. It is a “baby version” of the special cake that is crispy on the outside and liquid in the inside. Remember? I let it melt in the sun and then ate it sitting on the wall next to the Maas where I spent the whole afternoon studying. I also ate your piece ;)

I hope we can catch up with the celebrations on the weekend, Ani!

Now, for the rest, I cannot find my White Coat anymore.. I have not been using it since my anatomy course and they won’t allow me in the lab tomorrow when I don’t have one.. and don’t ask me where these protective glasses are *sigh*
It looks like it will be a long night after all.

The good thing is, a colleage of mine from the Fachschaft Biologiehas offered me to live in her house for the time of the exercise so I don’t have to commute every morning. I can even bring Siepke there and he won’t be alone :D

oh, I love it when things all of a sudden turn out well :)