let me at them!

my first day at the machines… setting up a destillation.

busy chemist
(damn, these protective glasses look silly ;) )

I think I lost 1000 kilocalories just being nervous there. I am so afraid of breaking some of these incredibly expensive devices.. of course I Immediately broke a petri-dish :D
Then the destillation didn’t work due to a malfunctioning thermometer.. *sigh*

but after these 2 weeks.. I will be a mad scientist ;)

as it is forbidden to take pictures I will try to get some shots secretly..
here are some people around our group, quite a funky bunch :D

this is Bernd and Rolf, Rolf didn’t go to the chemistry-shop to get his protective equipment but to a shop for foresters ;)

this is Steps, my partner.. she used to study chemistry, that means she is not so much afraid to break things :)

these girls work behind us.. we have quite some competition going.