autumn surprises

Autumn, the time of falling leaves and wonderful colours. Time to take long and exhaustive walks through the forest and enjoy the relaxing effects of the indian summer on the mind. (after all we had a lot of stress the last weeks)

While at it, pick up some of the wonderfully coloured leaves and flowers that grow now, they definitely make a nice decoration in your window at this time of the year.

Just never, ever collect any of these things:
Even if they look beautiful between autum-flowers, after 2 days at the window (especially if you are away for these days) they explode into a huge mass of seeds that you’d never expect to hide in these 20cm long things… and they cover your house, your PCs fans, your shoes, everythigng in the house is covered in a layer of this foam-like seeds. And your cat then drags them all over the appartment.

my vaccum can’t handle the amounts that these things have produced, I will have to buy extra bags now.
And also ignore tips from gardeners/relatives to spray them with hairspray to prevent from opening, it DOES NOT WORK! ;)