easter.. part 2

now, as we went out on easter monday to make a nice, long walk through the parks and green places of our new home, we didn’t realize something freaky that we should have realized… we were walking through the city and it was not more busy than usually, no hordes of walkers and people having a good time. Not overflooded with families that went out together to make a easter-stroll once they are all together.

I mean, imagine: The highest celebration day of the christian people. And noone goes for a walk? Are the Dutch that lazy?

Later we saw it in the news: The Dutch actually profited from the tolerant opening regulations of the stores in the Netherlands and went shopping massively. Crowding the shopping centra and furniture stores. (especially IKEA)

Well, good for us, we had lots of space to walk. Bad for the easter-traditions, soon they will only remember the easterbunny but not the actual meaning of this day.

Don’t know if this is good or bad..