storm.. and sport – and bread :)

At the moment I am sitting at my desk at VerizonBusiness and the country is preparing for the impact of the storm that is expected for this afternoon.
Somehow it’s distressing that we used to have snow in winter and all we get now are heavy storms. The Dutch are pretty relaxed about this, however. They tie their bikes onto something and just watch on TV how the damage spreads. Ohwell :P

I realized something else yesterday. After my vacation-related break from training I went to sports again on monday and had a major muscle fatigue then. But my mood was fantastic, in fact I was smiling the whole day and was pretty relaxed. But I had to sleep at 22 hours because I was dead tired.
So: If I don’t do sports, I am mentally fit and awake but depressed and moody.
If I do sports, I am tired but relaxed and happy. (just a muscle fatigue)
Conclusion: Sport is a drug! Stay away from it ;)

Later that day I read about sourdough again and tried to bake a white ciabatta-style bread with the culture that I grow out of flour, yoghurt and Amsterdam Air :P
It’s delicious!!!!! I can only recommend getting a sourdough culture and baking with this, it’s sooo tasty. :)
My father sent me a link to a big german sourdough forum,
They also have rye-cultures to share (as I only have a wheat culture which is relatively mild…)