a virtual embassy..

According to Radio Sweden , The Ministry of foreign affairs of Sweden will open an official embasy within “Second Life” – the massive online roleplaying game that currently everybody is talking about.

Apparently they will not be issuing passports but be an official representation of Sweden and assist people on how to get things done in “real life” ™

Now, if you think about Second Life and the fact that they have virtual money (linden dollars – which can be purchased for real money) and use it to pay inside the game for virtual services which you could sell on ebay again for real money, I wonder if they will allow paying the virtual transactions for virtual embassy servives (like the issuing of a visa) with virtual money.. but give you the real passport then. ;)

That somehow reminds me of the fifth volume of the hitch-hiker’s guide to the galaxy, where they discussed being virtually shot in a virtual environment with a virtual gun – which would still make you a really dead person in real life. :P