Vincent is here

How shall I start?
It’s been three days since I have had the time to sit behind this laptop and type something. I’ll just state the obvious (although I hate that usually.. ) :P

On 4th of April, at 16:01 CET, our son Vincent was born!

He is lying in our bed at the moment, enjoying late lunch (or early dinner?) from his mother. I am so happy! No, WE are happy!!! :)
He and Anna are still recovering from the delivery, which was not really “easy” (but what is an easy delivery, anyway?) and the small guy is in need for a lot of sleep.

We are enjoying a beautiful easter weekend together and a woman from the social care is looking for us every day for three hours. (a very useful institution, we think.. they show you how to hold a baby properly, how to check for this and that, how to warm the bed.. etc..)

For the rest, we are both still high on emotions, people brought flowers, our families went crazy in Bavaria and in Bulgaria, everything is as good as it can get. :)

I’ll put some photos here so I don’t have to send them around by email all the time which consumes bandwidth and takes ages… enjoy!

here I am look at me, world need… sleep..

lots of colours learning to bathe the other firstborn is jealous

phew.. more later.. other things are important now ;)