a new beginning

I could look at this guy for hours.. so small and yet so human.
the way he stretches, yawns and does baby-things.. I am still high, I guess.

I went to work today again, for the first time in ages (it was only a week but it felt like ages to me) and met all my colleagues being happy and cheering at me. I almost got emotional :P

To “get into it” again, I took place in a conference call and the teammeeting, handing out “beschuit met muisjes” to everyone :)
Tomorrow at eight I will “start over” as a dad.. I hope that working will get me in a rhythm again. (which I completely lost the last days)

Tomorrow we can pick up the perambulator (nice word for a stroller, huh? ;) ) that we ordered 2 months ago.. then finally Vincent will get his first trip outside :D

got to sleep now, otherwise the small guy won’t let us sleep.