2 weeks old

the small guy is now more than 2 weeks old and successfully took Siepke’s position as the “center of attention” of the house :)
He also managed to eliminate all my other hobbies, passions and even my night sleep. I am always tired :P
Next thing he will eliminate is the positive balance on my checkings account, I fear ;)

I am trying to get into a “normal” rhythm again after all this.. going to work helps a lot, so do my colleagues. But I really don’t know anymore where is up and where is down.. all seems distorted and shifted.. things that were important all of a sudden are irrelevant and my life all of a sudden is circling around other things. Well, one thing to be precise – and I don’t think that’s so bad :)

There were some “issues” that made the whole thing a little unpleasant, for example he kepy falling asleep while eating, effectively not eating enough.
Last week Anna “discovered” that his skin is still a little yellow. (that’s pretty tricky having yellow/orange walls and bedsheets) – while being at the consultation office (where we have to go now every now and then and get his “progress” reported…)

For the moment, Anna’s mother is helping a lot, giving me time to get back to work and into my rhythm and helping Anna to focus on Vincent, he really needs lots of attention.

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